Top Websites for Anti-Methanol Information

Columbia Riverkeeper's "Methanol Resources" page includes printable fact sheets, info on hearings and comment periods, updates on legal challenges, and links to news articles. CRK is the lead organization assisting the community fight this refinery.

Power Past Fracked Gas is a coalition of PNW groups that oppose fracked fossil-gas and support clean energy.

Sightline Institute's methanol research/articles are well documented with useful data, charts, and infographics.

Featured Information Sheets & Op-Eds
by Local Citizen Activists and Researchers

Rad Reads (below), Great Graphics (sidebar)

The windfall of benefits to taxpayers is all a big ruse. See Taxpayers on the Hook for the Entire $2 Billion, Pacific Standard 11/2018, and Subsidies would Violate Federal ‘Double Dipping’ Rules, DeSmogBlog 10/2019.

NWIW presentation (1/2019) telling investors Kalama methanol's primary end use is to be burned as fuel while lying to public, state agencies, and gov. regulators by stating purpose was solely for plastic production. (See Archives >> April 2019 for a History of Kalama methanol as fuel)

Excellent series by Sightline Institute "Fracked Fuel & Petrochemical Projects in the Pacific Northwest" with extensive details about methanol and hydraulic fracturing including "Three Reasons Why Kalama Methanol Project Would Be a Climate Disaster" (4/2018)

Two new Sightline analyses followed release of Ecology's draft SSEIS: "New Analysis Proves Kalama Methanol Project is a Climate Disaster" (9/3/2020) and "Kalama Methanol 'Benefits' Assume Catastrophic Climate Failure" (9/23/2020). IMPORTANT READS!

Seattle's Stockholm Environment Institute's report "Towards a Climate Test for Industry: Assessing a Gas-based Methanol Plant" (2/2018) on GHG emissions from Kalama methanol refinery finds if built it would become Washington's top contributor to climate pollution by 2025.

Earth Justice's "What You Need to Know about the World's Largest Fracked Gas-to-Methanol Refinery" (5/2018)

Columbia Riverkeeper's white paper “Methanol Refining and Export on the Columbia: What You Need to Know" (7/2016) (or the one page version)

Sightline Institute's "Kalama's Methanol Refinery by-the-Numbers" (10/2016) is a well-sourced detailed
article by energy policy expert Eric de Place.

Awesome Audios, Vital Videos

Holding the Thin Green Line
A two-part radio documentary by Barbara Bernstein:
Part 1: World's Largest Methanol Refinery & A View from the Blast Zone (12/2019)
Watch updated-with-slideshow visual version HERE. (2020-09-28)
Part 2: The Long and Twisted Tale of Jordan Cove & Rising Tide of Resistance

Listen to Barbara Bernstein’s Locus Focus (KBOO):
Celebrating the Thin Green Line - An Earth Day Special [VIDEO | AUDIO] (2021-04-22)
Impending Demise World's Largest Methanol Refinery (2021-02-01)
Fracked Gas on the Columbia (2020-11-23)
Kalama Methanol Another Time Around (2020-09-28)
LNG, Methanol, the Northwest, the World (2020-02-10)
World's Largest Methanol Refinery Hits a Roadblock (2019-12-09)
Fracked Gas in the NW and West Virgina w/ Eric de Place (2019-09-30)
Kalama Methanol: Perspective from the Puget Sound (2019-07-01)
What a Week in the Fossil Fuel Fight! (2019-05-13)
Why Natural Gas is Neither Natural nor Green (2019-03-11)
Kalama Methanol and the Chinese Connection (2019-02-04)
Testimonies at 12/13 Hearing in Longview on DSEIS (2018-12-24)
World's Largest Methanol Refinery Update (2018-12-03)
Kalama Methanol Refinery on the Public Dole (2018-10-15)
Sandra Steingraber on Fracking (2018-07-16)
Attack of Fracked Gas in the Northwest (2018-02-12)

OPB's Think Out Loud: Debate between CRK and NWIW (2018-12-12)

"Save Kalama ... from a Calamity"
Music and lyrics by: Kate Murphy
Video produced by: Columbia Riverkeeper

Youth Leaders Oppose Methanol Refinery, Climate Strike, Portland, 2019-09-20
Producers: Columbia Riverkeeper and Balance Media
Videographer: Trip Jennings, Editor: Sara Quinn
WATCH short individual videos of three amazing local youth climate activists:
Dylan Haviv, age 10, Kalama WA,
Carolyn Ceravolo, age 15, Vancouver WA, and
one of our team leads, Cambria Keely, age 17, Kalama WA.

No Methanol on Land & Water Rally, Camp Kalama
Event hosted by: Power Past Fracked Gas coalition (2019-05-18)

Clips of speeches at 12/13 DSEIS hearing, Cowlitz County, WA
Produced by: Dan Villa and Barbara Bernstein. (2018-12-26)

Brief statement from the citizen activists in Kalama, Washington.
Speaker: Diane Dick. Videographer: Sally Keely. (2018-08-19)

Video from Columbia Riverkeeper "Act Now: Protect the Columbia
from the World's Largest Methanol Refinery". (2016-11-22)


Join us in action now.
Stop this Kalama calamity.

Environmental, Eco-Justice,
& Like-Minded Organizations

  • 350pdx | 350seattle | 350tacoma
  • Beyond Coal Washington
  • Beyond Fossil Fuel Task Force, Vancouver
  • Breakfree PNW
  • Cascadia Climate Action Calendar
  • CascadiaNow!
  • Center for Biological Diversity
  • Center for International Enviro Law (CIEL)
  • Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL)
  • Clark County Activism Calendar
  • Clean Air Kalama [Dead site as of 4/12.]
  • Climate at the WA Legislature
  • Climate Defense Project
  • Climate Solutions
  • Columbia Gorge Women's Action Network
  • Columbia Riverkeeper
  • Earth Justice
  • Food and Water Watch
  • FrackNo253
  • Friends of the Columbia Gorge
  • Indivisible WA Environmental Network (IWEN)
  • Greenpeace PNW
  • Locus Focus radio program on KBOO
  • Lower Columbia Stewardship Community (LCSC)
  • Native Daily Network
  • New Progressive Alliance
  • No Methanol Blog by local activist
  • Northwest Environmental Defense Center (NEDC)
  • Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR): Fighting Fracked Gas | OR | WA
  • Power Past Coal
  • Power Past Fracked Gas
  • Redefine Tacoma (Tacoma LNG in WA)
  • Rising Tide Portland
  • Rogue Climate (Jordan Cove LNG in OR)
  • Sierra Club's SW WA Chapter "Loo Wit"
  • Sierra Club Washington
  • Sightline Institute
  • Sightline's Thin Green Line
  • Stand Up To Oil
  • Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)
  • Washington Conservation Voters
  • Washington Environmental Council
  • WSU Master Gardener Prog. - Cowlitz Co.

Click images for larger views.

Above: Graphics courtesy of Sightline Institute. Please abide by Sightline's Free Use Policy.

Above: Courtesy Columbia Riverkeeper.

Below: Courtesy CRK and Linda Horst.

Below: Graphics Copyright © Sally Keely.
Free to use non-commercially.

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